Saturday, October 6, 2007
The one about Bebe and Cece...
So, I'm definately going to add it to my collection. Now, Michael may not remmeber that he used to sing and dance to this song with me, when he was a baby, but...he did! I love to hear them praise, and here's one of the old favorites....enjoy...get your hands up! get them up!!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The one about encouragement...
the one about the tea pot and cozies.... 40th b-day has arrived and my friend Beth gives me a teapot with grapes on it. It's really cute....see....
But Beth likes to do things to the max, so that wasn't enough...she made me a purple cozy for my tea pot that has the cutest little buttons as a trim around the top...
She didn't stop there though, she thought the tea pot needed a fall cozy, with sweet little fall colored leaves and some squash buttons....
Is Beth done't forget about a Christmas cozy adorned with snowflakes and gingerbread men....
I think these are just the cutest things. I love tea too, and the cozies are just sweet. So, I would publicly like to thank Beth for these sweet gifts. She even included an infuser with my bag of goodies. I love them all!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The one about the weird Day...
I really feel as if our church is on the brink of revival (we have really been praying for it!) but at the same time, I do feel that Satan is fighting against it and causing division wherever he can. I see "little fires of contention" as I label them and a close friend of mine and I are, and have been, praying about these things. They are not big things that people get disgruntled over, but small picky things, that in the big scheme of things should not cause division, but should be looked upon as differences of opinion. They are not doctrinal in nature. So, as I witnessed yet another "mini fire of contention" I was so discouraged. I don't know if it was because of my having a lot on my plate right now with Mickey being gone, or what, but I was just ready to throw in the towel.
HOWEVER, I was encouraged last night by my close friend to remember to pray and rebuke Satan in these circumstances. Something I had failed to do. Instead of praying, I just sat in shock and dismay and with great sadness and frustration. As I was talking to this friend, I then realized, another weakness in my armor. I need to be ready to hold the shield of faith to quench those darts of the evil one and I also was not. I also was not, "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints." I was once again getting my own onion peeled, as I shared this with my friend. I'm thankful yet again, that no matter how painful, it was something that needs to be concentrated on in my life. I am also thankful for my sisters in Christ who are there to nudge me along and sharpen me.
It is a good thing. I won't add that it was an older woman teaching younger woman. :-) There's not that much difference in our ages....she may not like that.
The one about why love my husband and I appreciate him too...
The lawn at our house has gotten quite out of control of late though, because Michael has been extremely busy. He's carrying 13.5 hours at Metro, plus he is still taking the following subjects at home: Algebra 2, American History, Bible Doctrines, a literature course based on movies (it's a fun course, but does require a lot of writing), and two electives: Life Skills and Communication Skills. On top of that, he started picking up a lot of soccer games to referee for extra spending money. Then he has his youth and church activities and he has also become an AWANA leader this year. He is VERY busy. So, he has not had a lot of free time to mow the lawn. However, a few minutes came open on Friday and I said, "Michael is you will mow as quickly as you can the front yard...I will mow the back for you." Now I have not mowed at this house since we moved in three and a half years ago. Michael or Mickey has always done it. So, as of today, I think we should seriously look into getting our yard level! :-) It is full of slopes and weird angles. Then, half way through the mowing process, I realize...oh I forgot, this mower is self propelled. Boy, the whole thing would have been so much easier, if I had remembered that before!!! :-) BIG BLONDE MOMENT!
boy, Mickey I really missed your muscles and Pop-Eye arms today!!!
And Michael...thanks for mowing the front yard. I know you had to hurry and it was hard work because it was so long, but you were great about it...thanks!!! I sure missed you today!
The place Mickey is in now, has a computer cafe where he can get on the computer and chat with me. They have web cams so I can see him too. Well, I saw him first on Thursday. I was surprised, because he hadn't shaved or gotten a hair cut since he left here over a month ago...and it kinda needed cut before he left. I was very surprised last night when he got on and had gotten a great hair cut and trimmed his beard up. He looked great! He looks great with the long hair and beard too, but I prefer it cut and trimmed. I'm thankful to at least be able to see his face and the kids love it when he makes faces at them while they are looking at him over my shoulder.
The kids have been great today. Maddie went outside while I was messing around and planting bulbs in the flower beds. She went and weeded the area by the mailboxes and then weeded in the back yard for me. WAY TO GO, MADDIE! Thanks so much!
Marcus was also a helper Melissa Emory. Melissa has started back to college and she had a paper due today and needed some time to herself. (Ken and kids are at a competition of some sort) So, Melissa called to see if Kyle could come over and play. Marcus was pumped! He loves when Kyle comes over. So he got to play video games with Kyle this afternoon. Way to be a helper for Mrs. Emory, Marc!
I have so much in which to be thankful. My family is great. Lord, thank you so much for fitting us together and working in us and helping us to compliment each other with our gifts and talents. You are so GREAT!!!!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praies Him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The one about loving my kids plus some random thoughts.....
However, all this said, they are not organized and tend not to clean up after themselves. So, I am on a campaign to train them a bit better in that area of their lives. Stay tuned for more posts.
Now, to train them, I myself have to be more disciplined and more routined. I'm not talking about every half hour incremented, but I do have some daily disciplines that I would like to implement and maintain. So, I too will be undergoing some transformation, hopefully.
I don't every want to get to the place where I'm totally satisfied becuase I think that if I think I've "arrived" I would not be all areas. OH may the Lord continue to mold me and shape me to be more like HIM, and through my job as a wife and mother may I teach my children the discipline needed to be productive for more time for HIM!
Now...I'm off to get my haircut. It is hard to say what I will come home with....maybe if it's not too bad, I will post some pics. We'll see....definately though the gray is here to stay. I cannot afford to pay the prices for the hair stylist that I have found. While I really like what she does, her prices are a bit ....a BIG bit...too high for the hair coloring part of the procedures she does for this client. So I will continue to go to her for styling and cuts, but I will no longer let her color my hair. Besides, that is one thing that I just don't have the time and energy to do on my own. So, here comes the gray! :-) Mickey will be pleased...for some weird reason, he likes my gray hair.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The one about one of my favorite songs...
The one about the lighter I have a celebrity type brother?
Hi everyone. I just wanted to touch base with you to reminisce and share about a recent conversation I had with the kids.
Last night, we went to a junior high football game. Now we don't have a homeschool football team so this game was at a public school. My kids don't get to do this a lot, like we did when we were kids, so this is an exciting event and we have a lot of fun.
So, anyway, after the game I was talking to the kids about going to football games every week when I was a kid, and Michael assumed we were going to see Uncle Paul play. I told him, yes, Uncle Paul played, but first we had to go and see Uncle David play. He said to me, "Uncle David played football?"
This was quite a shock to him. He knows David is a runner, but didn't realize the athletic prowess his uncle possessed (possesses). I went on to tell him Uncle David was quite an accomplished football player. He was quite the athlete and held many records for Oak Hill in track. I said, "When he was in high school, the basketball team won the conference."
He was pleasantly surprised, but still couldn't believe that Uncle Paul wasn't the biggest football player on the field. I said, "Uncle Paul got his big growth spurt after high school...that is when he really got into lifting weights." He just couldn't imagine Uncle Paul as a small guy.
I went on to tell him how Paul wasn't the biggest man physically on campus, but did have a way with the ladies. Everyone loved his sweetness. I related how he dated one of the most popular girls in school, Debbie Crabtree.
He's grinning all the time while hearing about the exploits of Uncle Paul.
Then I went on to tell him a bit about David's high school career as I remember it. All the girls liked David. We all know that David has always been mom's favorite and it was the same with our friends....David was the football star, (we got blackberry cobbler when he scored the touch downs), all my friends thought David was just the cutest, David's team won the OVC championship while he was on the team...he was a basketball star. Then to beat all, he starred in the high school musical. He played the part of George Washington, our country's first leader in the musical, "Let George Do It." I had to sing a few lines of "Let George Do IT...He Can" for the kids then.
It was then that the startling observation was made. David Jayne was the Troy Bolton (High School Musical star) of the 70's! He was good looking, a jock, and a singer. Our brother/uncle/dad was the Zach Efron of his generation. Did Disney steal the whole idea from David???? My kids all have seen High School Musical 1 and 2 and while Michael isn't a huge fan of the musicals themselves, they are a part of our kid's pop culture. I know many of your kids or friend's kids must be into the whole craze...but just think...we knew a guy just like Troy, way back in the 70's and had the privilege of being related to him. Karis and Micah, you guys must be so proud of your dad, and how he rocks!
Love you guys!
Mary and kids in Nebraska
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The one about brokeness...
And I will ever praise You,
O God, You are my God,
And I will ever praise You,
I will seek you in the morning,
And I will learn to walk in Your ways,
And step by step, You'll lead me,
And I will follow You all of my days!
That is my prayer, and the Lord knows my heart. He knows I am being broken right now to give up some of the things of my flesh that I buck against constantly.
Being quick to hear, and slow to anger
Being careful to squash the pride in my heart
Changing me to not serve myself but to serve others
Speaking in a tone of voice that is gentle and not filled with anxiousness
Being more nurturing to my children
Keeping my mouth shut
I'm not sure why, but the fall is always a time when it seems the Lord really likes to just nail me in a lot of areas in my life. I have often heard it compared to the peeling of an onion and I like that example. The peeling of an onion has to take place in order to get to the flavor to enhance the dishes it will be used for. In the process of peeling that onion tears are often shed and eyes burn because it can almost be a painful experience, but oh the flavor that it can add to some dishes, makes it so worth it. Well, this fall, I am once again having my onion peeled, spiritually speaking. I have been challenged in my lack of faith, my patience, my perseverance, my occupation as a help-mate and mother. It's a tough season, but with the difficulty comes blessing of knowing that I know I am loved with an ever lasting LOVE and the Lord is continuing to refine me. He does this, because He loves me. What a peace to know that the Lord loves and cares about me. Not only enough to save me...which is the greatest blessing of all, but to know that He cares about making me more like HIM. OH what blessing.
Father, thank YOU for your love and your mercy! Thank YOU for using this vessel. Thank YOU for giving me the life that YOU have given me here, and thank YOU for YOUR Word which continues to teach me. Thank YOU for friends who sharpen and challenge me as I live my life for YOUR glory. Help me not to forget how precious life is and to use every minute to teach my children of YOUR GREATNESS, Your Power, and Your Mercy!
Friday, September 21, 2007
The one about the perfect mother and wife...
Well, the group had a field trip and picnic today. Some of us "older" moms were talking about the topics and it reminded me of the devotion that I read today. It was called, "No pain, no gain" The verse for the day was:
Hebrews 12:11 "All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.
The idea behind the devotion was that we would all like to have the faith of Moses, the heart of David, and the spiritual impact of Paul; without going through the 40 years in the wilderness, the blisters from shoveling sheep manure, or the five times Paul was beaten 39 lashes. No pain, no gain. "In spiritual terms, your stomach is the residence where courage resides. Courage makes tough decisions---hard choices. It is said of a courageous person, "He has guts." But our soceity is flabby at the waistline. We don't want to go against the flow; we want comfort."
Now here's the jump....
As I talked with some of the older moms today, we talked about how every child is different, Every household is different. There is no perfect schedule and no "normal" household. Some may look at our kids and see good kids and say "how did you do it?" There was trial and error along the way. We had to find out what works for us. The Lord was growing us when we were young mothers and because things may look easier now, they weren't always easy. We were being grown and disciplined by the Heavenly Father, as we tried to grow and discipline our children that He blessed us with. We are still being stretched as our chlidren may all be potty trained and may have cut all their teeth, but there are different issues and circumstances to deal with as they get older. The gains come, but not without the pain. We are all on the journey and the grass is not always greener. Receivng someones tips or suggestions may not magically make your household calm.
The best solution for raising children and being a godly wife is the PRAY. Pray about everything. The God of all creation wants that close relationship with you. It's when we are seeking HIM and following after HIM, that we are pruned into being more like him and we "yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness."
The one about God's Grace...
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that can pardon and cleanse within
Grace, grace, God's grace
Grace that is greater than all my sin!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The one about the long day...
Tonight, there is a mom's support meeting for the small homeschool group to which I belong. I really wanted to go, but for a number of reasons, I decided that no matter how badly I wanted to go, my priority for this night was to be at home. The new leader of our homeschool group submitted questions that had been proposed by some of the Mom's that have younger children. I thought I would share with you these questions and my answers to them.
Have a great evening and enjoy your families!
1. When you had young children what was your schedule like?
We tried a few different things…you have to do what works for your family. Some kids like to school in the morning when they are well rested. In that case, the younger ones would sit in the high chair and “do school” with us. Whether we gave them coloring, Cheerios, or toys, they were in the room with us and we laughed at their distractions. That is part of homeschooling. Sometimes, the baby is the lesson. J Other times, we would wait until the baby was napping before we attempted school work. It is different for everyone. Try and see what fits best for your family.
2. When do you get your house work done?
You mean that is supposed to get done? HAHA! Whenever I could, I do find that if I rise before the kids…yes that is very early for some, that I could get a couple of chores done before they woke up if I was quiet. J
3. Who has a set time? To start/end. Days.
The state has regulations, but I follow them loosely. Homeschooling is 24-7. So, if I added all those hours up I would well exceed the state’s requirements. I do fill out paper work with our tentative schedule, but I don’t stress if we get a little behind.
4. Do you have an order of events like an opening?
Always pray. When the kids were little we also did the pledge and sang patriotic songs.
5. I’ve seen very elaborate schedules. Does anyone fill one out completely putting snacks/lunch/cleaning in it?
I do not. But they work for other people. They do not work for us. We found that if I have a regimented schedule that it would stress me and the children, plus I had a hard time balancing the ministry opportunities that would arise. If I adhered to the schedule, I would miss out on those opportunities to teach my children to serve and miss the blessing myself of serving others.
1. When schooling more than one child do you combine them or do they still do their own subjects and grade level?
We combine if they are close. Maddie and Marcus do the same Science and History. Because we don’t do the canned curriculum like BJ or Abeka it is good and general and multi leveled. We learn as a family and that seems to work very well for us. Michael is 4 ½ years older than Maddie…that gap was a little much, but in hindsight, I would have let Maddie do a lot more with us if I had it to do over. She definitely would have been in the room where she could listen.
2. How did you keep your children focused while cleaning their rooms at an early age?
How do you do it when they are at an old age? J I made picture charts. A laundry hamper for making sure clothes were put away in the hamper, a toy box to show picking up toys and putting them away. An excellent resource is a book called: Life Skills for Kids by Christine Field
3. How do you keep the children focused while schooling and not wanting to do something else?
Some things my children learned by there not being another option. School needed to be done. That was their job. Sometimes, you have to just keep in mind who is in charge and make sure they know it too. This needs to happen at a young age but you have to remind them gently as they grow older too.
4. Does anyone have a set room to homeschool in?
Well, we have tried that, but the dining table always worked best. However, I was frustrated with cleaning up to eat and the constant array of books. So, now we are homeschooling in the basement. It’s the family room, but we do have a table there and Maddie and Marcus still school there. Michael schools at the table upstairs, because he needs more quiet for concentration. When we do our History, Science, or Read Alouds, we (Maddie, Marcus, and I) go over to the couch in the family room, where Maddie and Marc will still curl up beside me while I read. That’s my favorite part of homeschooling. J
5. What do you do when your child doesn’t seem ready for a subject but he’s falling behind “normal standards”
What is normal? The best thing about homeschooling is you get to do what is good for your child. Marcus is going to turn 10. He has struggled with reading from the beginning of phonics instruction and still struggles with it…to the point that we have now had to call in some outside help and we are still in the process of finding a solution for teaching him. However, he has not stopped learning. I read to him orally and he answers a lot of questions orally. I haven’t given up on subjects that are hard for him, because he is a sponge as children are at that age. I keep pouring the information in him and asking him to narrate it back to me. (then I know he grasp the ideas and concepts) Also, though, don’t let the public schools decide what is normal. If you had a really bright child, you wouldn’t hold them back because of what “normal” kids did. You would feed them more info and let them grow. Like I said….what is normal?
6. What do you do when your child has no interest in a subject but has to learn it.
It’s a life lesson. You tell them they have to learn some things. Life is like that. There are some things that we just have to know. I do try to make it as fun as possible. For instance, Science is not Maddie’s favorite subject, but this year I found some lap booking supplements especially for our Science curriculum. It has made all the difference in the world for her, because she is a very visual and hands on learner. She is retaining the information much better…and finding she even likes knowing some things. Try to supplement with things that they will be attracted to.
1. What is the best way to make sure hubby is not “forgotten” while raising children, keeping house, and homeschooling?
Pray and commit it to the Lord. I have asked the Lord to specifically “help me be ready for my husband’s romantic mood” that I know would be coming later that evening. I have prayed for stamina and energy when I’m tired. Without seeking the Lord first, you are trying in the flesh. Prayer is the key to homeschooling. I have learned over the years that I need to pray about everything. Things that I didn’t consider “worthy” of praying about, I’ve found are very worthy of spending time with my Heavenly Father about…from schedules, and scheduling ideas, to curriculum decisions, to the order in which I teach subjects. He really gives answers. I think I wasted a lot of time in the beginning by not praying about those circumstances.
2. Do you turn the answering machine on while schooling or do you answer the phone?
I do not turn my answering machine on, but I do screen my calls. If I know it’s a person that I could end up in a long conversation I will not answer. I have to be very careful about that, because my children like to take that opportunity of a long conversation to sneak away from the table. I’m sure no one else has that problem, but I do, so I’m very careful. Mickey even changed our voice mail message to say we are either not at home or are homeschooling, so people understand that I have a job in the home with teaching my children. Also, if you have a good friend…Mary C. knows, when I say I can only talk for a sec, she knows I usually mean it….sometimes, we will still take more time than originally needed, but we usually know, when we say we have to go, that we need to go. If you have a friend like that, then you can probably answer the phone. Always think twice before calling a fellow homeschool mom… them instead. If they aren’t busy they will get it.
Pray, pray, and pray! Seek the Lord about all kinds of decisions. Pray for your fellow homeschooling moms and friends. We are all on this journey together. He will guide you through the decision making of motherhood. You need to seek Him first though. Also, remember it’s ok to say no to things. Even when it’s something you really want to do. I really want to be there tonight with you ladies. There was a time when I would have almost broken all our necks for me to make it there. I crave the support from other homeschooling moms too, but one of the reasons I’ve stepped back is because my children don’t need to be rushed so I can do something I want to do, even if it’s a good thing. (Good things can be a distraction and time waster for your families). I am my husband’s help mate and one of the ways I help him is by making sure I take the best possible care of the children to which He has entrusted to us. I will only have my kids for a short time in comparison with a long life. (Lord willing) We have so short of an amount of time to teach them so many things. So seek the Lord about things you volunteer for so that you don’t become too busy with things that take you away from your husband and family.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
the one about Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia...
We want to open up the world of reading for him, and right now, he feels very closed off from that world. Thanks for your prayers!
The one about more on AWANA...
First of all Zac was not able to be there last night so Chris Smith filled in. How great was that. Chris stepped up to the plate in a big way. He was ready to announce awards at the end of the night and did a bang up job!
Hannah W. was able to come and keep score for us, so that freed up some leaders for us to work with each team.
Sara did the songs last night and passed her LEADER TEST! Way to go Sara! She has been an invaluable asset as she has good observations about the kids AND she is the only other female i the Sparky program. We girls have to stick together!
On a side note...Michael also passed his AWANA leader's test, so he can officially sign off sections.
I praise You, Lord for the workers you have given Mickey and I as we attempt to be directors this first year of Sparks. Thank YOU for that blessing!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The one about AWANA...
We have a very great crew to work with this year. Sara Winter and Zac Tegeder are our veteran workers. Sara will be taking her offical leader test tonight. Zac took his last year. Steveo has been tasked as Game Director besides helping Sara in the Skipper room. Chris Smith took his leader test this weekend and passed with flying colors. He is assisting Zac who is our Sparky secretary.
Sue T has been helped last week and also will help this week to make sure the secretarial part is secure with the guys.
It was easy to be director last week, because the team God has given us to work with is so fantastic. Pray that our club continues to go well as we present the gospel to kids and also help them as they memorize God's Word in their hearts.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The one about time to Update...
I guess since I haven't posted since the beginning of August, it is time.
August went by very quickly. We took a quick trip to surpise our in laws and my parents in ohio, (The kids and I did), I underwent some medical testing...everything has turned out ok, Mickey left again for an overseas trip with his work, and the Wilson girls came for a visit.
It has been a great month.
Now it is September. We have started school. Marcus is undergoing some tests for learning disabilites and possible dyslexia. This is all a very new thing for us. I have a booklet on phonemic awareness that I need to read. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around some of these new terms. In the meantime we are doing as much schooling as we can.
For Maddie and Marcus that means:
Language: Great Source Write Source 2000
Math: Horizons and eventually Teaching Textbooks
Writing: Understanding Writing
Bible: Bible Study for All Ages
Science: Apologia Astronomy
History: All American History (Bright Ideas Press) vol 1
She is also doing a book and tape set on listening skills. Something I think would be good for every pre teen or teenager.
Bible: Same as Maddie
Grammar/Spelling: First Langauge Lessons Level 3/ Spelling Solutions
Math: Horizons
Science: same as Maddie
History: same as Maddie
Writing: Understanding Writing
They are supposed to be using the Typing Tutor cd rom on the computer and also a P.E. activity, do some type of composition work (blogging, letter writing, etc.), geography game with Mom, Current Events with God's World News. Maddie is doing some Home Ec. work also.
Michael's schedule is:
Metro: Electricity 1010
PC Troubleshooting
At home:
Math: Algebra 2 Teaching Textbooks
Literature: Movies As Literature by Kathryn Stout
History: All American History vol 1 and 2 plus extra reading
Bible: Major Bible Themes by Walvord
Life Skills notebook: This is a compliatin of workI'm having him to.
I'm also making him take a Communication elective from me.
Michael is also still taking piano lessons.
I'm praying this is a great year. I'm trusting the Lord I will become even more accountable for what my children know of HIM. That is the greatest thing I teach them....God's Word. Mickey and I have both felt that becoming an incredibly bigger tasks as we see and hear about young people falling away from the church and our Savior. So we are trying to teach more Bible at home and also not just making sure they have the head knowledge but teaching them how to apply it to their own hearts and lives. If you think about it, won't you pray with us.
Until next time....
Mary from Mary's World
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The one about CEF...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The one about good morning, blue!
Blue is Mickey's favorite color, so I was thinking of him also when I picked this.
Michael got home from Hawaii yesterday. It is so good to have him home. If you check out his blog you won't find pictures though. He took two pictures. Apparently, he was having way too much fun. He's relying on Dave Kersey to make a disc of pics for him. :-) Hopefully, we'll get those soon and he can share them.
No matter what, it's good to have him home! We've all missed him very much!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
the one about California Pics...
Here is a pic of Brent, Janie, Mickey, and myself on the beach at Carmel.
Marcus at Carmel.
Here is a picture of our last California meal. Brent grilled steaks and garlic-buttered shrimp. Janie fixed pilaf and Mickey and Brent stopped at a road-side stand and bought a ton of fresh fruit and veggies: strawberries, bing cherries, blackberries, tomatoes, and pistachios :-)
The Three Amigos!
Great friends!
Great friends!
Great friends!
Maybe tomorrow I'll post about the trip home. :-)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Here's the low down:
Tuesday, Day 1- Drove to Wendover, Utah. We drove through western Nebraska, Wyoming, and almost all of Utah before we got there. We stayed at a Best Western Hotel there. It took us about 14 1/2 hours to get there.
Wednesday, Day 2- Drove to Fresno with a stop in Lodi, California to visit with my friend Janie's mother Barbara and see her vineyards. Beautiful!! Barbara had refreshments for us and it was great to get to visit with her and see her place. We got to pick apricots from her tree and take them with us to the Wilsoms. (Thanks for the fun time, Barbara) We loaded back up in the van and headed back down to Lodi.Got to Fresno around 6:30 pm (California time....I think.) Grandma and Grandpa Wilsom (Jim and Joan) were there also waiting on us. We grilled out and just started to catch up on how everyone was. The kids had grown and the house was great. What a great time! The kids swam!!!
Thursday, Day 3-More catching up and visiting. Michael drove Amanda, Bethany, and Maddie to Starbucks. It was just too hot to walk! Mickey and Brent started some projects around the house and went shopping for electronic stuff. That night we went out to eat at Javier's. (Their version of our La Mesa) On the way home we noticed the power people with their flashing lights working. Well, the power was out. You see, this was the hottest day of the summer thus far in California, so there was a lot of air conditioners running. Brent called Jim and Joan to see if they had power and they did, so we grabbed some ice cream and headed over to their house to do some more visiting and catching up. We stayed there until about 10:30. Joan needed some rest though, as she had to go to work the next day. So we all went back to Brent and Janie’s to a dark house. We sat around talking for a bit, with flashlights and candles, but by that time the time-difference had started to catch up with me. I hit the sack. I think the kids might have gone swimming. I’m not sure. All I know is the electricity didn’t come back on until 4 a.m. No fans, or any movement of air was happening, and I heard some people had trouble sleeping, but not me. I was out like the lights.
Friday, Day 4-I was sitting by the pool watching the boys swim. They splashed me so much, I just jumped in clothes and all. More visiting and catching up with Janie. Michael drove the kids to Blockbuster and they rented movies. They watched a lot of movies!
Saturday, Day 5-We went to Hume Lake Christian Camp.
Hume Lake Christian Camp:
The guys: Brent, Mickey, Blake, John, and Marcus went ahead of us in Brent’s truck. They went up early to cut and split some wood for their wood stove they had installed last fall. The rest of us: Janie, Amanda, Michael, Bethany, Maddie, and myself went a little later to give the guys a head start. Well, Hume Lake Christian Camp is in the middle of Sequoia National Forest. You go to the entrance to the Forest and tell them you are going to the Christian Camp and they normally give you a sticker for your window. One is then supposed to go straight to the camp. Otherwise, you could get a ticket for not paying to enter the forest. Well, we missed one of the turns to the camp, and drove farther into the forest before realizing it. We had to turn around and find our way back. However, the best thing about missing the turn, was I saw the biggest trees I’ve ever seen in my life! I was actually glad we missed that turn, because of the view we got. The Sequoia’s are wonderful!
After we left Hume Lake we headed back to Fresno and had dinner with Jim and Joan at their house. It was delicious and it was good to do some more catching up with the “older” Wilsons. Michael got on the computer and showed Jim and Joan the pictures from the HBC youth group’s mission trip to Mexico. It was fun for them to see how everyone had changed since they had seen them last.
For your own glance, check out this link:
Joan had also gotten several photo albums together for the girls, Bethany and Amanda. We had a blast looking at them and seeing how the kids had changed over the years.
Sunday, Day 6-We attended Riverpark Bible Church.
We decided to change up the traveling arrangements and so we had a kid vehicle and an adult vehicle. That was nice as we could all visit as adults together. Michael drove our van as the kid car and we took the Yaris for us adults.
We had an excellent time at the church through worship and teaching. We got to meet several of Janie and Brent’s friends. It was a great day. We went to Dicicco’s for lunch.
It was a great Italian meal, and for once, Michael didn’t totally wolf down his meal and the leftovers of those around him. He got the biggest calzone I had ever seen and couldn’t finish it all. Maybe he filled up on the bread before the meal, but it was surprising that we had to take home leftovers for him. We went back home and hung out until church that night. During the evening service, the high school choir, Chosen Generation, was leading the service. They had just returned from their mission trip to Sacramento where they helped in food kitchens and did some street ministries and concerts. They were a great choir to listen to and sing with. It was a wonderful night of worshipping the Lord for me personally. My tears flowed freely as we lifted up our voices in “How Great is Our God” and “How Great Thou Art” Amazing!
Monday, Day 7- We journeyed to the sea; Carmel-by-the-Sea that is. We drove up in our normal groups of: Brent, Mickey, Blake, John, and Marc in one vehicle, and Janie, Amanda, Michael, Bethany, Maddie, and myself in the other vehicle. We didn’t want Michael to have to navigate too many unfamiliar roads. If you check out the kids blogs there are pictures from inside the car during this trip. Maddie and Bethany were trying on sunglasses and playing “Miss Hollywood.” Then there was the singing…that got worse on the trip home…thanks Michael! J
Anyway, we got to Carmel.
When we first arrived we went to the Hog’s Breath Inn:
This is the restaurant that was owned by Clint Eastwood at one time. It was delicious!!! Then we all split up and explored. The guys took the boys down to the ocean to play. Michael, Amanda, Bethany, and Maddie went exploring at the ocean and then in the shops, while Janie and I shopped and talked! It was a lot of fun. Before we got in our cars for the trip home, we went down and took some pictures by the ocean. It was great fun. Then Janie drove us along and we got to see some of the great beach cottages of Carmel. So much fun!!! On the way home from Carmel we stopped in Los Banos. We were going to get a meal at a Basque restaurant (Wool Growers), but it was closed on Mondays. We opted instead for Espanos Restaurant. It was very good Mexican food. I am always up for Mexican.
I think the kids went swimming when we got home. They were out in the pool one night until like 11 pm. J I just can't remember which night. :-)
Tuesday, Day 8- Mickey got to play with Brent’s new jack hammer as they busted up some cement. Janie’s homeschool group, the Greenhouse group, had a meeting at her house. The kids all came over and swam in the pool while the mom’s had their meeting. I loved meeting the ladies in the Greenhouse group. This is an exclusive smaller homeschool group providing social/learning experiences and character training/Bible studies for their children. They were meeting every Thursday afternoon, but may be changing their meeting time to accommodate new activities. I really liked getting to hear about their plans; makes me desire something like this especially for my younger two children.
I also got to use Janie’s new HE front-load washing machine as I had to do laundry before we left on Wednesday.
Wednesday, Day 9- Time to say good-bye. L I hate good-byes! The good thing was plans were already being made for when we could meet again. The girls are flying to Nebraska in August, and we are so excited about having them here. We can hardly wait. We have also talked about some other times we could possibly get together. It was such a great time!!!
We thanked the Lord as we drove away for the blessing of friends who are so much like a second family, for safety and traveling mercies, and for a wonderful visit. We headed back to Wendover for a stay at Best Western. Michael got to drive a lot in Nevada this time. On the way there he drove a lot in Wyoming. So he actually drove in every state we visited. (NE, WY, UT, NV, CA)
I realized I hadn’t driven since we left Nebraska. I didn’t drive at all on the trip. That was relaxing!!!
Thursday, Day 10- This was our extremely long day. We didn’t get to Hasting, NE until about 1 am. That was because we stopped at the Great Salt Lake, in Salt Lake City, UT. We all got in the lake or played in the mud around it. (Thanks, Michael) Our feet were all smelly when we got out as it was very smelly around it…not the water, but the ground around the lake smelled extremely bad.
This dip in the lake costs us in travel time, but it was well worth it. The kids had an experience they won’t forget.
As we started driving Mickey saw tons of wildlife….prong-horned deer to be exact. That was fun for him to watch for as he drove. I watched a lot of the back of my eyelids between crocheting and reading. J
Friday- Day 11- We went to the Stuhr Museum in Hastings, NE.
That was a lot of fun. Maddie and Marc got to visit with the blacksmith and the tin smith. At the tinsmith’s they got to make tinsel ornaments. We will hang them on our Christmas tree this year. We also went to the soda shop for refreshment and Michael and I got root-beer floats. Marc and Mickey got a hotdog. Maddie just had a root-beer. We meandered through the museum and then headed back to Bellevue. On our way home, we stopped and had hilarious time at Taco John’s in I think, York, NE. After that we piled into the van and I slept the rest of the way home! J
It was a great trip! Tomorrow I will attempt to post some pictures of the trip.
Friday, July 6, 2007
The one about "Let's Pack Up and Go to CALIFORNIA!!!"
Tomorrow we will head to the Sequoia National Forest area and go to Hume Lake Christian Camp. Sunday will be church and on Monday we will head to the coast and go to Carmel.
We will leave here on Wednesday. Plans are already being made for our next time of getting together as families. I can't wait.
It will be sad leaving here as it has been so much fun, but we will look back on the memories we've made and look forward to the times together soon.
I will post more pictures when we get back to NE.
Live, Laugh, and Love Always!
Mary Ann
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
The one about crocheting and catching up...
The sap has quit flowing and hopefully soon I will post some picture so us canning syrup. (We are waiting for the arrival of my husband from an overseas trip to do that.) In the meantime, the syrup is being stored in the refrigerator.
However, even though the sap slowed down, things have still been busy in Mary's World...
Last week I was working on crocheting. I am not a big crocheter. It has been something that has been very hard for me to learn. BUT, my friend Beth taught me how to do a basic granny square, and now I'm hooked!
I will be posting some pictures later this afternoon of a granny square project that the ladies in our homeschool group worked on for a ministry project we were doing. We made a lovely granny square piece with squares crocheted by our different members. It came together so beautifully; a true example of many hands coming together for a beautiful work of art.
So, I encourage you to check out the granny square pattern that we used. It's on this page and it was the second pattern on the page...
I want to learn how to make the other square on the above page also, but I have a baby afghan that I want to work on for a co worker of my husband's first. I had started knitting them a blanket, but have already taken it out and started on granny squares. :-) I just am hooked on them now. :-)
Time out from, Mary's World. :-)
Monday, March 12, 2007
The one about another interesting site...
This is who I refer to as my "internet pastor." He's one of my favorite speakers.
Check out James MacDonald and Walk in the Word:
The one about Sunday Services...
When we got home it was the topic of conversation. Michael said he didn't think he'd been in a service like that in some time. He said, "Mom, when we were singing IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL, I thought I might just start crying. I teared up. It was just something."
Now, our church is always good, but something happened there that I just haven't been a part of in quite awhile.
The one about Spring Syrup...
The one about the AWANA Games
Thursday, March 8, 2007
The one about More Syrup Info
"It takes 40 gallons of sap for us to make 1 gallon of syrup. On a nice day, we
can get 5 gallons of sap from our tree! We don't use a hydrometer to measure the
final sugar level. We use our "professional" taste buds to make sure the Brix
level is 66 (66 percent solids). In the end, our syrup is 100 times better and
fresher than anything you can buy. Right now we're making Grade A
Light-to-Medium Amber syrup."David K.
The one about the name of Mary's World
So anyway, back to the story. Mickey, Michael (age 1), and I were visitng my sissy Becky and her husband Mike in Ohio. There was some kind of intelligent conversation going on and something went over my head. Mike made the comment, "What's it like living in Mary's World?", and then went on to chant, "Mary's World, Mary's World." Since then, every once in a while my husband will remind me of my sometimes "spacey" moments with the Mary's World chant. So that is where Mary's World comes from.
The one about the syrup pictures
After we have gotten about five gallons worth of sap, we start boiling in the kitchen. The sap bucket is taken into the kitchen, we start boiling the water out of the sap on the stove.
Our friends who make syrup boil it over an open fire. So their syrup is flavored with the open air "smokey" taste. It's good, but I must say, I like our syrup too!
the one about more Favorite Sites....
Hope these will help you make wise decisions for your family. collection pictures coming soon! :-)
the one about being just a Mom???
A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation.
She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.
"What I mean is," explained the recorder, "do you have a job or are you just a......?"
"Of course I have a job," snapped the woman. "I'm a Mom." "We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation, 'housewife' covers it," said the recorder emphatically.
I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself in the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall.
The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."
"What is your occupation?" she probed.
What made me say it? I do not know. The words simply popped out. "I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations."
The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and
looked up as though she had not heard right. I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words.
Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written, in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.
"Might I ask," said the clerk with new interest, "just what you do in your field?"
Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice, I heard myself reply, "I have a continuing program of research,
(what mother doesn't) in the laboratory and in the field,
(normally I would have said indoors and out). I'm working for my Masters, (first the Lord and then the whole family)
and already have four credits (all daughters). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities,
(any mother care to disagree?) and I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it). But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money."
There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up and personally ushered me to the door
As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model, (a 6 month old baby) in the child development program, testing out a new vocal pattern.
I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy! And I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind than "just another Mom." Motherhood! What a glorious career! Especially when there's a title on the door.
Does this make grandmothers "Senior Research associates in the field of Child Development and Human Relations" and great grandmothers "Executive Senior Research Associates"? I think so!!! I also think it makes Aunts "Associate Research Assistants".
Please send this to another Mom, Grandmother, Aunt, and other friends you know.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
The one about good sites...
I'm going to be posting some of my favorite sites over the next few days.
Here are a few:
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
This is a great site for women of all ages.
I also just found this site today. It would be an excellent site for character resources for your children. It's primarily focused to homeschoolers, but a lot of these resources would be great for anyone who is into the discipleship of their children in the Word of God.
the one about making syrup
We have a friend who has a farm in Iowa and he makes fresh maple syrup every spring. He taps so many trees! Well this year, he asked if I would like him to tap our maple tree. We have a HUGE maple in our front yard. I told him that would be great. So Sunday afternoon he came over and tapped our maples with two taps. We have gotten over 7 gallons of sap. I cooked sap on the stove almost all day. I just took our first batch off the stove. From the first five gallons of sap, we have about 3/4 of a quart jar of fresh maple syrup. That is pretty cool. No chemicals, no preservatives...just fresh maple syrup. Our tree should be flowing with sap all week as the weather continues to warm here.
It's really a neat process. My two younger children check the taps twice a day and help collect the sap bottles. All three kids are excited about the homemade syrup.
We have learned that since our tree stands alone the buds are not incumbered by other trees (like in a forest) and so the buds collect full sun without competition from other trees. This enables a higher volume of sap. The sap is as free flowing as water is. (It is...sugarwater.) It gets thicker as you cook the sap down and boil out the water. The sap eventually turns a beautiful amber color. It is thinner than syrup you buy at the store. It can be stored in the fridge and heated in the microwave for serving purposes.
I hope we are able to tap our trees again.
Tomorrow we will go out and take pictures of our sap collection and post them on the blog.
Happy spring!
Monday, March 5, 2007
The one about....Welcome back, to Mary's World!
Have a great day!
Friday, March 2, 2007
The one about....Help!
We are getting ready to go buy books for Michael's spring quarter of classes. I have friends coming over tonight for pizza, but the house needs some attention first.
However, good things that happened today were that I did get a lot of paper organization and office work caught up! YEA!
If you get a chance, check out the Albert Mohler blog and radio show. You can listen on line. Dr. Mohler is an intellectual who talks about many current and relevant subjects through a Biblical Worldview. Check it out:
Another great blog for homeschool moms is Jeannie Fulbright's blog:
She has some excellent aritcles posted on her site as well.... Not just about homeschooling...but also about teaching your children God's Word. It's worth surfing through and reading.
Until next time.
Time out from Mary's World Let's go buy some books! :-)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The one about Mary's World. :-D Welcome!
Please join me in the wonderful excursion of life.