Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The one about more on AWANA...

I just have to say that our workers in Sparkies are like the best ever!
First of all Zac was not able to be there last night so Chris Smith filled in. How great was that. Chris stepped up to the plate in a big way. He was ready to announce awards at the end of the night and did a bang up job!
Hannah W. was able to come and keep score for us, so that freed up some leaders for us to work with each team.
Sara did the songs last night and passed her LEADER TEST! Way to go Sara! She has been an invaluable asset as she has good observations about the kids AND she is the only other female i the Sparky program. We girls have to stick together!
On a side note...Michael also passed his AWANA leader's test, so he can officially sign off sections.
I praise You, Lord for the workers you have given Mickey and I as we attempt to be directors this first year of Sparks. Thank YOU for that blessing!