Saturday, September 22, 2007

The one about brokeness...

O God, You are my God,
And I will ever praise You,
O God, You are my God,
And I will ever praise You,
I will seek you in the morning,
And I will learn to walk in Your ways,
And step by step, You'll lead me,
And I will follow You all of my days!

That is my prayer, and the Lord knows my heart. He knows I am being broken right now to give up some of the things of my flesh that I buck against constantly.

Being quick to hear, and slow to anger
Being careful to squash the pride in my heart
Changing me to not serve myself but to serve others
Speaking in a tone of voice that is gentle and not filled with anxiousness
Being more nurturing to my children
Keeping my mouth shut

I'm not sure why, but the fall is always a time when it seems the Lord really likes to just nail me in a lot of areas in my life. I have often heard it compared to the peeling of an onion and I like that example. The peeling of an onion has to take place in order to get to the flavor to enhance the dishes it will be used for. In the process of peeling that onion tears are often shed and eyes burn because it can almost be a painful experience, but oh the flavor that it can add to some dishes, makes it so worth it. Well, this fall, I am once again having my onion peeled, spiritually speaking. I have been challenged in my lack of faith, my patience, my perseverance, my occupation as a help-mate and mother. It's a tough season, but with the difficulty comes blessing of knowing that I know I am loved with an ever lasting LOVE and the Lord is continuing to refine me. He does this, because He loves me. What a peace to know that the Lord loves and cares about me. Not only enough to save me...which is the greatest blessing of all, but to know that He cares about making me more like HIM. OH what blessing.

Father, thank YOU for your love and your mercy! Thank YOU for using this vessel. Thank YOU for giving me the life that YOU have given me here, and thank YOU for YOUR Word which continues to teach me. Thank YOU for friends who sharpen and challenge me as I live my life for YOUR glory. Help me not to forget how precious life is and to use every minute to teach my children of YOUR GREATNESS, Your Power, and Your Mercy!