Saturday, September 29, 2007

The one about why love my husband and I appreciate him too...

My husband Mickey is the hardest working man that I know. He thrives on physical labor and being able to fix things. It's really a great thing to be his wife. One of the things he's very talented at is taking such good care of our lawn. He does a great job. When he is out of the country, like he is now, Michael usually takes up all the responsibility of mowing. Michael does a good job too, except Mickey has not taught him how to use our weedeater. It is a very tempramental weed eater that sometimes has a mind of it's own.
The lawn at our house has gotten quite out of control of late though, because Michael has been extremely busy. He's carrying 13.5 hours at Metro, plus he is still taking the following subjects at home: Algebra 2, American History, Bible Doctrines, a literature course based on movies (it's a fun course, but does require a lot of writing), and two electives: Life Skills and Communication Skills. On top of that, he started picking up a lot of soccer games to referee for extra spending money. Then he has his youth and church activities and he has also become an AWANA leader this year. He is VERY busy. So, he has not had a lot of free time to mow the lawn. However, a few minutes came open on Friday and I said, "Michael is you will mow as quickly as you can the front yard...I will mow the back for you." Now I have not mowed at this house since we moved in three and a half years ago. Michael or Mickey has always done it. So, as of today, I think we should seriously look into getting our yard level! :-) It is full of slopes and weird angles. Then, half way through the mowing process, I realize...oh I forgot, this mower is self propelled. Boy, the whole thing would have been so much easier, if I had remembered that before!!! :-) BIG BLONDE MOMENT!
boy, Mickey I really missed your muscles and Pop-Eye arms today!!!

And Michael...thanks for mowing the front yard. I know you had to hurry and it was hard work because it was so long, but you were great about it...thanks!!!
I sure missed you today!

The place Mickey is in now, has a computer cafe where he can get on the computer and chat with me. They have web cams so I can see him too. Well, I saw him first on Thursday. I was surprised, because he hadn't shaved or gotten a hair cut since he left here over a month ago...and it kinda needed cut before he left. I was very surprised last night when he got on and had gotten a great hair cut and trimmed his beard up. He looked great! He looks great with the long hair and beard too, but I prefer it cut and trimmed. I'm thankful to at least be able to see his face and the kids love it when he makes faces at them while they are looking at him over my shoulder.

The kids have been great today. Maddie went outside while I was messing around and planting bulbs in the flower beds. She went and weeded the area by the mailboxes and then weeded in the back yard for me. WAY TO GO, MADDIE! Thanks so much!

Marcus was also a helper Melissa Emory. Melissa has started back to college and she had a paper due today and needed some time to herself. (Ken and kids are at a competition of some sort) So, Melissa called to see if Kyle could come over and play. Marcus was pumped! He loves when Kyle comes over. So he got to play video games with Kyle this afternoon. Way to be a helper for Mrs. Emory, Marc!

I have so much in which to be thankful. My family is great. Lord, thank you so much for fitting us together and working in us and helping us to compliment each other with our gifts and talents. You are so GREAT!!!!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praies Him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.