Monday, February 25, 2008

The one about good results...

Well, the pathology reports are in and they were normal. I just got a phone call from my doctor's nurse. This is good news! YEA!
I was just thinking about one of my new facebook friends today. We were friends in Okinawa many years ago. She was the one who reminded me about how the Lord had taken care of me, during the whole Graves disease thing while we were stationed in Okinawa. It was so excellent for that memory to be revived.
Well, it just so happens that in this process of reconnecting with her on facebook, that I came to know she had experienced some of the problems I had been having. I know, I know...glamorus talk, right! LOL But isn't it so cool, how the Lord knew I would need guidance through some things I hadn't navigated before, and sent Maribeth at just the right time. It was no accident. I am constantly amazed how at these inner-actions with others take place.
The thing is, I wonder how many of these things that I don't pick up on. I am not known for being the most observant person in the world. I mean, for goodness sake, I was in the middle of my fifth grade year before I realized at the end of the chapter, we would have a test. DUH! But, how many things do I miss in seeing the way the Lord cares for us each day. His provision is so much greater than we see. Isn't that so comforting!
It is to me!

The one about the verse for the week Philippians 2:10B-11

At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The one about being tired...

Today I was very tired. I slept for a long time this afternoon. As tired as I was today, I can't believe I contemplated going out yesterday. Isn't that funny what a day makes. I miss Mickey very much today. I prayed for him a lot. He has been sick and I'm frustated that so many things are going on right now.
I realize that I need to keep trusting the Lord, and I so want to glorify Him through all seasons of my life, but today was a sad day, I felt. However, as it is ending, I am blessed once again through the kind things people have done for us and also the reminders we heard today through scripture and testimony of things we saw on television. No matter how uncomfortable or difficult things may seem here, the war was won when Jesus died for me and my sins, and that has already been taken care of. Isn't it amazing how in our culture is is so easy to get impatient until God gives you a wake up call!
Right now I am thankful for the provision God has provided in the absence from my husband and for the practical side of things that have been provided. I'm not sure yet I'm ready to say I'm thankful for this trial yet, though. It's still very hard at some points throughout these long days, but I know my Redeemer liveth! That will pull me through!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The one about the procedure....

Well, I did have a procedure yesterday, but not the one I went it for. Do to details, that most of you don't want to read about, I ended up having a D and C. You can look that up yourself. Let's just say, I got cleaned out. LOL Anyway, I am a little sore. My neck hurts today and a friend told me that is from the breathing tube that was down my throat. I'm sure my head must have been stablized, so that is probably part of the soreness. I must give glory to the Lord though, because while everything didn't go as planned, He was there with me and the staff that He provided to take care of me was so sweet.
The nurses had a hard time putting in my IV. In fact, I got poked five times before they got the IV in. Now, before they tried each IV insertion, they numbed me. I totally believe that helped, because then I didn't feel the "digging" in feeling of them trying to get into my viens. So, I tried to make them as comfortable as possible. The nurse told me that my skin didn't look as tough as it was. I thought that was funny. A friend told me later that smokers tend to have tougher skin and so I've been questioned to the fact of, if I'm a closet smoker. I am not. :-) But that was something to laugh about. I have some good bruises on my arm and hand from the iv attempts. But like I said, they didn't hurt nearly as bad as if they hadn't numbed me before.
I vaguely remember going into the actual operating room. I vaguely remmeber scooting over on the table. Then that's it from the operating room. I woke up in recovery and heard Doctor Zigenbein say that they couldn't do the ablation but they did a D& C instead. Then I went fuzzy again. I remember having the breathing tube in my throat and then I remember it being out, but I don't remember them taking it out. The first thing I remember saying was I was "I'm cold", and they wanted me to make an appt, with Doctor Z and I remember saying, "not Wednesday afternoon." The nurse gave me water and ice and some juice as I was coming out of the fog. She put warm blankets on me and then put this machine hose under my blankets that blew in hot air. It felt so good to get warm. My blood pressure and temp was ok and she bascially dressed me while I was on the table. It was pretty funny with her working around my IV and then me just being "out of it" Then I remember her saying she was going to move me to the recliner and I didn't say anything, but in my mind I was thinking, my legs still feel like jello and I don't know how I can do that. But I did with her help. She was one of the best nurses. Very upbeat and just so helpful and good about explaining each step of what I would do next. Good nurses are truly a special gift. I don't know that I have the patience or guts to do the job, but boy I'm so thankful for those that do.
My friend Susanne accompanied me yesterday morning and she stayed with me last night. They wanted an adult to be at the house with me since I had gone under. So that was so good of her husband to let her stay with me. She fixed me soup and served me and just sat and talked with me. She is such a sweet friend to me.

The kids enjoyed my "loopiness" yesterday. They laughed at me. I don't really feel that I was that loopy, but they seem to think I was.

I'm moving around today. I really want to go to church tonight, but I've been advised by my oldest "sissy", that lives in Ohio, to stay home. My friend Patty also said, just to stay in. It's very cold here in NE today and since Mickey is gone and not around just to help me I'll stay home and rest. Also since I did have an outpatient surgery yesterday, I feel like maybe I should stay in. I will miss being at church. I do love my church family and pastor and wife, and I don't like not being there. However, we (marcus and I) will have a time of prayer here while Michael and Maddie are at church.

Oh and yesterday I was surprised when I got home. My friend Beth crocheted me the cutest pillow. It has crocheted flowers on it. It looks so happy. Then she brought me a flower pot and the flowers in the pot are crocheted. So they will never go bad. It is a happy little pot sitting on my coffee table. It is so sweet to have friends who care for you. I feel so humbled and undeserving but genuinely blessed.

Thanks to everyone who prayed for me. i'm tired now, so I'll go rest, but that's the update.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The one about the verse for the Week Psalm 27:13-14

Psalm 27:13-14
I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The one about procedures...procedures...

Well, I have to go to the doctor on Tuesday to have a procedure done. It's of the feminine nature, so to not make anyone uncomfortable, I'll just leave it at that.

I will have to be put under, so I will not be able to drive home. My son, Michael was going to drive me, but since my friend Susanne is off work, she will take me instead. This way, Michael can be home with Marc and Maddie. It's very neat to know that Susanne usually works on Tuesdays, but is off. She said it was not an accident. This is true.

My sister Leah, had offered to come out here with me, if I could postpone the procedure. It was very sweet of her, but due to the nature of why I'm having this procedure, I really don't want to postpone it. I'm already at the point where I can't even really leave my house for any length of time.

So anyway, I'm a little nervous, about the whole thing. I would really like Mickey to be the one taking me to Clarkson West on Tuesday, even though I'm glad that Susanne is available! But a dear friend just reminded me this morning of another time when Mickey was not around. We were living in Okinawa at the time and I was diagnosed with Graves Disease. Besides the side effects of this disease, I was really having a hard time because during all that, of course, Mickey was gone. I was trying to care for Michael, our only child at the time, but because of what Graves does to a person, it was a very trying time. The Lord put some very special people in my life to walk through the whole thing with me. Mickey did finally arrive in time to watch Michael will I was med-evac'd to Hawaii for treatment. Through it all, the Lord was with me, as He always is, and provided physical beings to help me through the situation.

Now as I face this next little health hurdle, it was good for my friend to remind me of how the Lord helped me during that time in Okinawa. He helps me all the time, and I know it, but that memorial of His nearness was one, that I'm sorry to say I had filed away and not remembered. The jogging of my memory is one I am thankful for.

However, I'm just feeling so blessed that this memory was brought back, because the Lord was very real to me during that time. Carrying me through....and I know, He'll do it again.

Psalm 37

Friday, February 15, 2008

the one about it's going to be in the 40's next week!...

This is good news for people like me who are so tired of winter. I used to actually like winter and the snow, but the last two years I have not enjoyed them at all.

So, I'm seeing a slight trend that even though we are still having cold spells that the temperature is slowly, ever so slightly, climbing.

Yesterday was very cold though. I had to go to the doctor after speaking to the nurse yesterday morning. Upon leaving the house I realized I had to get gas. UGH! The wind was stinging. It was such a strong gusty wind that brought another artic blast. I had to get blood drawn and I thought the lab was cold. I finally got up to my doc's office and it was warm there. I was glad.

I didn't have that long of an appt. and I was thankful because the car hadn't gotten too cold. Since I went by myself, there was no one there to warm it for me. :-)

So anyway, I got up this morning and was happy to see the forecast of some warm temperatures next week.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The one about Is Spring Ever Going to Come?

Here's our 7 day forecast. Ugh. I'm so ready for spring....

I wish I knew how to copy the little weather box, but alas, I don't. Just be's going to be cold here in Nebraska. For this girl who grew up in Ohio, where it wasn't this cold for this long.....and then went to Okinawa for five years and grew quite accustomed to a sub tropical climate....I'm COLD!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The one about My Space...

While the kids have been doing their independent work this morning, I was working on some grmmar rule reference cards for Maddie.
In the process of this I was on and off the internet while working in MSWord.
While working this morning, I made the decision to delete my myspace account. I had established it to keep in communication with my neice in Ohio, but she wasn't writing me all that much, and myspace just became very .....tired to me.
While I already realize some of the negative aspects of myspace and the issues that have already been raised in the media concerning abuse of minors, explicit photos, etc. I have some very practical reasons for not liking it.
It's tacky and trashy looking. Most people don't know how to build their space with the proper use of graphics. You can barely read some pages without highlighting the text because there are so many graphics in the background.
It's very gaudy looking. Most spaces have common features, but they are just unorganized.
Facebook keeps things in neat boxes, you don't have the trashy backgrounds, but can one can still design a facebook to reflect one's personality.
So, i'm a facebook girl.

Now back to school....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The one about Super Tuesday being over...thank goodness!

Well, I just have to say, I'm rather tiring of all this election coverage. I think it's good to be informed and I think we need to carry out our civic responsibilities, but I do think there is some big time over-kill going on here. The media seems to be fixed upon who will be our next president. I think it's easy to get caught up in the parade of information and predictions. We do not need to put our trust in a man, but in God.
No matter how much speculating there is....the man or "oh no,"...I hate to say it...even woman that God allows to be president will be president. It will not be a surprise to HIM.
So, do your duty. Vote, but more importantly pray and keep those who are leading now in your prayers, and trust in the God who is in control.

I just had to get that off my chest.

In the meantime....go HUCK beat McCain and Romney!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The one about MATH...

Ok, ok, so I am starting to re-evaluate our homeschooling progress this year and also begin my research for what we will attempt to accomplish with our studies next school year. This always starts in February for me. It's almost a "rush" of an experience to see the new educational products offered directly to the homeschool marketplace.
Well, this year as far as our Math studies go, I don't have to research any longer. We've found Teaching Textbooks.
It is an expensive program but well worth the money. Michael is doing so much better since we switched from another program to Teaching Textbooks. Not only do they provided solutions to every practice, homework, and test problem in the set, but they are just a few clicks away. I have correspondended with them via email and always received an answer within 12 hours. Their customer service can't be beat!
I have already discussed with Mickey putting Marcus into the program next year for Math 5. We were going to wait until 7th grade math, but I have decided that the visual teaching on the computer will be great for his learning style.

Another Math help that we own, was recommended to me by my friend Janie. The FlashMaster. Now I always call it by the wrong name. I always call it Math Flasher, but all my kids know to what I am referring to. This has been a lifesaver as far as math facts drilling. It has saved hours of printing off worksheets (paper saved, ink saved, time saved)- (calculadders). The Flasher comes with a grid for keeping track of progress. It stores the scores for the eight previous drills, so you can record them at your convenience. Plus, my kids don't grumble about it, the way they did the drills sheets. It's really been an amazing supplement to our Math curriculum. Check it out:

Enough blogging for the I have to actually get to our school! Have a wonderful day!

The one about lapbooking.....

One trend in homeschooling is having students create "lapbooks." I first heard of this about five years ago at a conference. I liked the idea but lacked the creativity to actually put one together. I'm sure other homeschool moms felt the same way. Homeschool parents are usually very creative and industrious. So I knew it was only a matter of time until somebody would be to my rescue.
We are doing Apologia Ministries Astronomy course this year with Maddie and Marcus. I wanted to do some sort of notebooking/lapbooking so I was sure they got the main ideas and understood the content, without just doing a worksheet or something. To meet my needs: Live and Learn Press.
This is a great little company. They have taken all the hard work out of planning a great notebook with great graphics. I bought the CD-Rom and just print out great little books, that the children fill in with all kinds of information that they have learned. They have samples on their site. Check them out!!
Now other companies are springing up around us. I found Knowledge Box through another web site that my friend Keri sent me. They look to have some interesting products also. I'm very interested in ordering their Election studies for my kids during this Election year.
Knowledge Box is in the process of updating their site, so they don't have all their samples up and running yet. The great thing about Knowledge Box is that you can download the books once you've paid for them and have them immediately as an e book. I've ordered several of these e books from other companies and one from KB already and they have worked out very well.

Another great company with incredible lapbooks for History is Amy Pak's "Homeschool in the Woods."
Amy Pak has designed some incredible timeline figures, but has recently expanded into the lapbooking market with her new Time Travelers Series. This is a fabulous History study. I highly recommend it! Lots of fun activities and projects as well as creating a nifty lapbook to show off all the work you accomplished during one's studies.
Check out Time Travelers:
She has also added a line of "Hands-On History Activity Packs":

These kinds of things enhance a homeschool and give you something to show for the effort put into a study and also to review after you have completed a study.

Another new site that is not about lapbooking but is very intriguing to me is Trigger Memory Systems:
I am interested in three different products: The Times Tales (for Marcus), Zone Cleaning and Bedroom Cleaning (for all of my children), and also Grocery Cart Math- for all of my kids...even though the ages are labeled for younger than my children. You can never have enough Math practice in the store!

If you want something to do on a snowy or stormy day, check out these sites on the web and see if you will not be intrigued by some of these great products.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The one about How Great Is Our God is...

Isn't is a wonder (awe inspiring) that our God is so big and so great that...
He created and is in control of the universe, and still He cares about me and the things in my life. It's amazing grace!

How Great Is Our God LyricsArtist(Band):Chris Tomlin
The splendor of a King,
Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice,
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in light,
And darkness tries to hide
And trembles at his voice,
And trembles at his voice

How great is our God,
sing with me
How great is our God,
and all who sing
How great,
How great Is our God

Age to age he stands
And time is in His Hands
Beginning and the End,
Beginning and the End
The Godhead, Three in one
Father, Spirit, Son
The Lion and the Lamb,
The Lion and the Lamb

How great is our God,
sing with me
How great is our God,
and all who sing
How great, How greatIs our God

Name above all names
You are Worthy of all praiseand
My heart will sing how great
Is our God

How great is our God,
Sing with me
How great is our God,
and all who sing
How great,
How greatIs our God!

The one about no more moderation for me....

Well, at least when it comes to blogging. Everyone wants to be able to see their comments right away, so I have taken off the moderator block. I'm not sure why I turned it on. It didn't used to be like that, but for whatever reason, I did it. I like the more immediate feedback wtihout the moderator status, and apparently so do you posters. So, now I have set it so you can post and see it right away.

The message today was very good. Please check out our church web page. I think soon the sermons will be updated, but whatever you can listen to will be good!
Check them out!