Thursday, September 27, 2007

The one about loving my kids plus some random thoughts.....

I have great kids. I don't tell them often enough, but I really do have great kids. They have a fun sense of humor...very dry at times....I think that is a Jayne side thing. Also, they do exemplify something that I think is a great thing. They are merciful to me as their mother....I make mistakes daily. They are quick to forgive. It is truly a blessing to be their mother.
However, all this said, they are not organized and tend not to clean up after themselves. So, I am on a campaign to train them a bit better in that area of their lives. Stay tuned for more posts.
Now, to train them, I myself have to be more disciplined and more routined. I'm not talking about every half hour incremented, but I do have some daily disciplines that I would like to implement and maintain. So, I too will be undergoing some transformation, hopefully.
I don't every want to get to the place where I'm totally satisfied becuase I think that if I think I've "arrived" I would not be all areas. OH may the Lord continue to mold me and shape me to be more like HIM, and through my job as a wife and mother may I teach my children the discipline needed to be productive for more time for HIM!

Now...I'm off to get my haircut. It is hard to say what I will come home with....maybe if it's not too bad, I will post some pics. We'll see....definately though the gray is here to stay. I cannot afford to pay the prices for the hair stylist that I have found. While I really like what she does, her prices are a bit ....a BIG bit...too high for the hair coloring part of the procedures she does for this client. So I will continue to go to her for styling and cuts, but I will no longer let her color my hair. Besides, that is one thing that I just don't have the time and energy to do on my own. So, here comes the gray! :-) Mickey will be pleased...for some weird reason, he likes my gray hair.