Monday, February 25, 2008

The one about good results...

Well, the pathology reports are in and they were normal. I just got a phone call from my doctor's nurse. This is good news! YEA!
I was just thinking about one of my new facebook friends today. We were friends in Okinawa many years ago. She was the one who reminded me about how the Lord had taken care of me, during the whole Graves disease thing while we were stationed in Okinawa. It was so excellent for that memory to be revived.
Well, it just so happens that in this process of reconnecting with her on facebook, that I came to know she had experienced some of the problems I had been having. I know, I know...glamorus talk, right! LOL But isn't it so cool, how the Lord knew I would need guidance through some things I hadn't navigated before, and sent Maribeth at just the right time. It was no accident. I am constantly amazed how at these inner-actions with others take place.
The thing is, I wonder how many of these things that I don't pick up on. I am not known for being the most observant person in the world. I mean, for goodness sake, I was in the middle of my fifth grade year before I realized at the end of the chapter, we would have a test. DUH! But, how many things do I miss in seeing the way the Lord cares for us each day. His provision is so much greater than we see. Isn't that so comforting!
It is to me!