Thursday, February 21, 2008

The one about being tired...

Today I was very tired. I slept for a long time this afternoon. As tired as I was today, I can't believe I contemplated going out yesterday. Isn't that funny what a day makes. I miss Mickey very much today. I prayed for him a lot. He has been sick and I'm frustated that so many things are going on right now.
I realize that I need to keep trusting the Lord, and I so want to glorify Him through all seasons of my life, but today was a sad day, I felt. However, as it is ending, I am blessed once again through the kind things people have done for us and also the reminders we heard today through scripture and testimony of things we saw on television. No matter how uncomfortable or difficult things may seem here, the war was won when Jesus died for me and my sins, and that has already been taken care of. Isn't it amazing how in our culture is is so easy to get impatient until God gives you a wake up call!
Right now I am thankful for the provision God has provided in the absence from my husband and for the practical side of things that have been provided. I'm not sure yet I'm ready to say I'm thankful for this trial yet, though. It's still very hard at some points throughout these long days, but I know my Redeemer liveth! That will pull me through!