Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The one about MATH...

Ok, ok, so I am starting to re-evaluate our homeschooling progress this year and also begin my research for what we will attempt to accomplish with our studies next school year. This always starts in February for me. It's almost a "rush" of an experience to see the new educational products offered directly to the homeschool marketplace.
Well, this year as far as our Math studies go, I don't have to research any longer. We've found Teaching Textbooks. http://www.teachingtextbooks.com/
It is an expensive program but well worth the money. Michael is doing so much better since we switched from another program to Teaching Textbooks. Not only do they provided solutions to every practice, homework, and test problem in the set, but they are just a few clicks away. I have correspondended with them via email and always received an answer within 12 hours. Their customer service can't be beat!
I have already discussed with Mickey putting Marcus into the program next year for Math 5. We were going to wait until 7th grade math, but I have decided that the visual teaching on the computer will be great for his learning style.

Another Math help that we own, was recommended to me by my friend Janie. The FlashMaster. Now I always call it by the wrong name. I always call it Math Flasher, but all my kids know to what I am referring to. This has been a lifesaver as far as math facts drilling. It has saved hours of printing off worksheets (paper saved, ink saved, time saved)- (calculadders). The Flasher comes with a grid for keeping track of progress. It stores the scores for the eight previous drills, so you can record them at your convenience. Plus, my kids don't grumble about it, the way they did the drills sheets. It's really been an amazing supplement to our Math curriculum. Check it out: http://www.flashmaster.com/

Enough blogging for the day...now I have to actually get to our school! Have a wonderful day!