Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The one about Super Tuesday being over...thank goodness!

Well, I just have to say, I'm rather tiring of all this election coverage. I think it's good to be informed and I think we need to carry out our civic responsibilities, but I do think there is some big time over-kill going on here. The media seems to be fixed upon who will be our next president. I think it's easy to get caught up in the parade of information and predictions. We do not need to put our trust in a man, but in God.
No matter how much speculating there is....the man or "oh no,"...I hate to say it...even woman that God allows to be president will be president. It will not be a surprise to HIM.
So, do your duty. Vote, but more importantly pray and keep those who are leading now in your prayers, and trust in the God who is in control.

I just had to get that off my chest.

In the meantime....go HUCK beat McCain and Romney!