Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The one about blogging...

I love to blog. I'm not sure if it's because it helps me to organize my random thoughts and crazily-wired brain or what. I just love reading my blogging friend's posts too. They make me think about things I would never have been challenged to think about. It's a brain stretching activity sometimes.

I don't know that I even following all the blogging etiquette. I mean, I'm very random at times, and I don't always blog about one subject, I tend to probably "journal" more than blog, but it is very satisfying. I like to go back and read older posts and see the things that have happened.

I took the class "Experiencing God" back in like 1998. I really enjoyed the course, and we were challenged to "make memorials" like they did in the old testament about how the Lord grew us in a certain period in our lives or carried us through other times. I'm really not good at doing that kind of thing in hard copy a journal, but the blog has sort of at times been that kind of a memorial for me.

Now, of course, I blog about funny and educational things, and about just "normal" times in our lives. But the "normal times" are still times when we are being carried through by the Lord, and the educational and funny times are blessings from Him too, so I guess all posts are memorials in their own way.

I love to read your comments. If you read the blog, please post. My friend Sue has been trying to post...(hang in there, girl)...but the comments are great feedback and they can make you think also. So keep commenting.