Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The one about email not being enough...

So like I said I have tons of things swirling through my head and they continue to swim around there. I have a lot of things I want to discuss with my leader, my lord, my great and wonderful husband. While I'm very thankful for email, there are just some things that are too detailed to discuss with email.
You cannot hear someone's tone of voice, you cannot see someone's tears, you cannot feel them reach out to you in a passionate discussion of ideas. Good grief. It is very frustrating.
I know. I know. I should be thankful that we can at least iron down the details of our basic lives. He'll know when Maddie's first volleyball game is, what Marcus did in school, and the latest goings on with Michael and Amanda. But there are other life issues I really want to be able to discuss right now that just can't be done. So I'm praying to my heavenly Father...and I know...I know...I can and should go to Him all along, but I also know of the husband's role in a family and to his wife, and I want to be able to talk to mine.
End of vent.