Friday, January 25, 2008

The one about the New Bill that threatens Nebraska Homeschoolers...

Well the homeschool email tress having been posting info all week on a new bill. Our state organization sent out another email today that I will post. Please pray that we can get this bill defeated in the unicameral...or even before. This is part of an alert we received from NCHEA (Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association)Here are the details:

The bill contains the following:

- standardized testing with Nebraska Department of Education oversight

- certified teacher oversight

- home visits from your school district

- school work/project portfolio review

- lesson plan review

Any change in Nebraska's home education statutes that restricts or reduces home education freedoms in Nebraska is unacceptable to the NCHEA's directors, officers and representatives.

We request that you take the following action.

Pray that God would grant wisdom to the NCHEA representatives as they attempt to persuade the senator from introducing the legislation.
Pray that God would work on the heart of the senator resulting in a decision not to introduce the legislation.
Pray for wisdom for NCHEA leadership and staff as we monitor the legislature and carry out our duties and responsibilities in NCHEA leadership and as spouses, parents and employees.
Pray for God?s protection of Nebraska homeschooling freedom.
Pass this message on to as many homeschoolers as you know and encourage them to pray.