Friday, April 19, 2013

My New Favorite Website

Last summer,  I was convicted about memorizing scripture...well, actually my lack of scripture memorization.  So I decided I needed to do something about it.  I'm  totally a visual learner.  So, sometimes I would write my verses on cards and sometimes I would make memory games.  However I was still having a very hard time getting the verses "to stick".  I struggled for several months. Then recently, my friend Joy told me about a program called Scripture Typer.   I must admit I use it several times a day to work on verses I'm trying to learn.  Check it out.  Scripture Typer
The site has several special groups for encouragement and memorizing passages of scripture. You can pick your version of preference for memorizing.  They even have cards you can print out for help in learning verses.
The program begins with you entering the verse or passage you want to concentrate on learning.  You type the scripture passage out while looking at the verse.  That's the "Type-It" phase. Then you move to the "Memorize-It" phase. This is where some words of the verse are missing from the copy you will type from.  You can even switch which words that are hidden from your view so you get a well-rounded practice round. When you feel like you have memorized the verse you can move to the "Master-It" Phase. You type the verse.  If you need a hint, you can click a button that will give you a three word hint.  To truly have mastered a verse you will have to type it in a certain amount of time with no hints.  Once you've mastered a verse you will get reminders about reviewing the verse to keep it fresh in your mind.
The program gives several memory tips as well.  I recommend reading them and following them for optimal success.
This summer my son will be participating in the National Bible Bee.  (well, he'll be doing the Bible study and learning the verse, but I don't think he'll be competing)  I plan on learning the verses with him.  He's an auditory learner and memorization comes very easy to him.  I, however, will be using Scripture Typer to keep up with the memory work.