Thursday, August 7, 2008

The one about busy-ness, activity, and productivity

Well, all three comments about my last post talked about how busy our summer was. That is exactly what I think it wasn't. When I looked back at the list, this was spread out over a 3 month period...beginning May to August. I deliberately didn't make our schedules "busy" this summer because I wanted to enjoy this summer.
However, I would submit that we were productive and got things done that I had been wanting the kids to do, and we had fun while doing it.
If anyone had a "busy" summer in our family, it has been Michael and Mickey. Michael took 13.5 hours worth of classes at Metro while working his job at the golf course. He's maintaining an "A" average.
Mickey does more than I could ever remember to write here, but Mickey is the kind of guy who is always fidgeting or working on something. He has never been the kind of guy who comes home and sits on the couch all night doing nothing, ignoring his wife and kids. He is a mover and a shaker. This man works (puts in time at L-3), then comes home and helps me and helps other people, helps the church, Pastor, or whoever needs it...but that's not just in the summer...that's all the time. He's a very active and productive individual.
I'm so proud that Mickey is passing his work ethic on to Michael. (and Marcus) I appreciate what he does for me. It makes me proud to be married to a man that sees the needs of others and wants to help them. He cuts grass almost every week for the church. That's a 3-3.5 hour job. He makes sure time is put in at his job during the week, so that he can take off early on Friday afternoons and get the church's lawn care done, so that it doesn't take away time with the family and me.
He is not a workaholic working for the almight dollar. He's a helper.
So I about you all...are you "busy" or are you "productive"? I think there is a big difference in the terms.
I don't want to be busy, I want to be productive. :-D