Last week, our daughter Maddie was at camp. It was her first time to go to camp so I was a little anxious for her. She went to CYIA (Christian Youth In Action) camp.
The original plan had been for Michael and Maddie to go to camp together. This would have given me a little peace of mind, to know Michael was there with Maddie during her first camp week. However, Michael got a job at the golf course, and was unable to attend because of work.
So the debate began between Mickey and I as to if we should send Maddie or not. We knew she would only know two people there for sure, so it would be a little more difficult than if she were going with Michael or going to camp with her youth group.
However, we really felt like it would benefit Maddie so much to receive the training she would get at CYIA.
The whole purpose of the camp is to train teenagers to work in 5 Day Clubs or Backyard Bible Clubs sponsored by C.E.F. (Child Evangelism Fellowship)
CEF is the largest mission group for reaching children. They are a Biblically sound group, taking the gospel to children who have never heard of Jesus and His sacrifice. (Check out the video on the website)
While at camp, we knew Maddie would be trained in:
1. How to lead a child to Christ using the Wordless Book
2. Teaching missionary stories
3. Techniques on helping children learn a memory verse from God's Word
4. How to maintain club order
5. Teaching Bible songs to children so they can praise the Lord.
The training is something she would have with her the rest of her life. She can use the Wordless book in leading anyone to Christ, not just a child.
But...we knew Maddie can be very shy when thrust into a new situation. So we debated and prayed, and finally decided she was going.
She was nervous at first, but when she called Monday night, she said she knew we made the right decision.
Last night, Jackie Weiss, the local coordinator for CEF came to our church and Maddie was able to give a brief testimony about CYIA. She was nervous, but I was so proud of her, as it was her first public speech in front of adults EVER! Mickey and I were thrilled with her willingness to speak about what she had learned.
She is already committing to going back next year. Way to go, Madd!!!