Thursday, September 11, 2008

The one about the new school year....

Ok, so school has started for us.
Some have asked if Michael is still doing homeschool since he's taking college classes...the answer is YES! He has not graduated our homeschool yet. He will be taking government (which will consist of reading and paraphrasing the constitution) with a small unit study on elections, an auto repair course, intro to physics, and whatever else I decide to throw at him. :-D At Metro this quarter he is taking his 3rd CISCO networking class along with College Algebra.

Maddie is taking:
Bible Doctrines-Abeka's 10th grade course
History-All American History vol 1 &2
Science-Exploring Creation through General Science by Jay Wile
Math- Teaching Textbooks
Grammar- a combination of Easy Grammar Plus and Abeka's 9th grade Grammar & Comp Text

She and Marcus will be taking two electives every eight weeks. For Maddie volleyball and and an elections study will be her electives this eight weeks.

Bible Doctrines- Abeka's 10th grade course
History- All American History 1&2
Grammar-First Language Lessons-Level 3
Science-Developing Critical Thinking Through Science (Critical Thinking Press--this was recommended to us by Dr. Jay Wile who authors Apologia High School Courses)
Math-Teaching Textbooks along with some drill books-Times Tales & Two + Two Does not Equal 5
Marcus is also working on a program for his dyslexia with me. We are working on his handwriting issues also. We are using Handwriting Without Tears.

He is doing two electives this quarter: Life Skills & Elections.

We do Bible Doctrines and History together (Maddie, Marcus, and me) along with our Read Aloud time. During our Read Aloud time we are reading the recommended reading with our History program. Currently we are reading, "The Witch of Blackbird Pond" by Elizabeth George Speare. (We also use the Progeny Press guides that go along with our Read Alouds, so I guess they are taking literature units also, but most of the work is done orally. I'm a huge fan of Progeny Press Literature Guides. If you have not checked them out before, I highly recommend them. They look at literature from a Biblical Worldview.
So that catches you up on our new school year. :-D